Presidents Message 2012 Well, it’s that time of year again and the season is drawing to a close. The AGM is being held again this year at the Katrine Community Center at 1:30 pm on November 18th.
I hope you can make it out, the club could use more hands and new ideas. 2012 has brought many challenges and great things to the club. We attended the International Sportsman Show in an effort to showcase our area and our trails.
It was will received and feedback from local businesses and tourist operators is that they have felt the positive effects of our efforts. In addition the club was featured in Go Riding magazine for our exceptional work on our trails and tourism
work for the area. Our day spent with them was also featured on Go Riding TV. This year we hosted our Spring Rally at Edgewater Park Lodge. This event was our most successful spring event to date with 300 atv enthusiasts in attendance.
The police were present and I am proud to report that no charges were laid. This goes to show that the Atv community is a responsible group.
The club hosted several club rides and two mid-week rides which were all well attended. The August rides proved to be very dusty but fun was had by all. Our Fall Rally was a blast with over 150 in attendance making this the most attended fall rally ever.
Mother Nature dished out some big rain fall prior to the rally making some of the trails the most challenging I have seen in a long time. The Atv club has once again invested a great deal of our membership dues into the trails.
We hired a excavator to groom trail 44, 32, 24 and 31. Trail 31 is a shared trail with a private property owner which required over 50 tons of gravel and ditching. We also spent some time on the Bear Creek trail, levelling and ditching.
As you can see, our team of volunteers have been busy. We have has been working on other initiates that have been beneficial for our members, such as our reciprocal agreement with Park to Park for the 2012 riding season.
We are in discussions to once again offer this to our members for the 2013 riding season, stay tuned for an update on this this winter. In addition the club has been before Huntsville Town Council trying to get road access for ATVs in this area.
There has been a great deal of time and energy invested in however, we are still not there yet. We will be calling on your support in the near future to make this happen. Further we have invested a great deal of time and money on the launch of our new website. It is still a work in progress.
It has been updated to a new and exciting format to keep you the member informed of what is going on. Your feedback is always appreciated. In closing, as my 2nd year as president draws to an end.
I have reflected on where the Atv club was just two short years ago in comparison to today. All I can say is wow! Thanks to all the volunteers whom over the last year have contributed to all that we have accomplished, we could not have done it without you. A big thank you to all. See you on the trail! Brent