Monday, April 12, 2021 Algonquin West ATV Club Meeting Minutes – Zoom Conference Call Start at 7:10 pm Attending: Kevin Ryan, Ciara Ryan, Kevin Nichol, Susan Fetterley, Terry English, Bob Harrison, Fraser Bull, Brent Stapleton, Brandon Stapleton, Brent Stickland and Dob Hobson. Guest: Soren Klemmensen 1. Welcome Everyone 2. OFATV: Kevin N. introduces OFATV (Ontario Federation of All Terrain Vehicle Clubs) discussions to join. At 8:00 pm (this meeting) guest Soren Klemmensen will join the meeting tonight listen and provide a presentation. Kevin N. asks for an open mind going into these discussions. Kevin N. spoke to Kevin R. and Susan F. possibility of moving away from permits, we could get more money as a club if we did this. This could be a great opportunity see what other clubs are doing, and see how they handle their trails. 3. Website: Opportunity to expand website and potential to sell our clothing items and other merchandise. Brent S. brought up purchasing issues with registrations and passes. Would like to have sales of merchandise, sign up for rides and everything from one link without forwarding to another page. 4. Financials: There are outstanding bills from previous map ads; Lagoon Trailer Park, Dave Wright, Kearney O’Neil’s. Will have to pay from the clubs account, motion to accept; Bob and seconded by Richard. 5. Maps: Kevin N. shared screen and showed presentation regarding MapGears. Upon request Kevin N. can send out document for details, all of our trails are up on Polaris rides for free for now. MapGears is something we can discuss, the app costs money and would require service so different aspects to consider. 6. Cottage Country Spirit with Explorers Edge: As per Susan email, we are interested in taking part when it opens/opperates (after lockdowns) motion to accept Bob H. and seconded by Fraser. 7. Other Business: • Staycation in Almaguin proposal; Ciara mentioned and will sent out proposal • Brent wants to get working towards getting the trails open, Bob H. prepare chainsaws Saturday April 24th, looking for volunteers and board members to take part in trial cleaning and preparedness for the season. • Bob Harrison volunteers as trail boss for the 2021 summer • Kevin N. introduce guest Soren Klemmensen president of OFATV with presentation and quick Q and A. Will postpone discussion to next meeting. 8. Adjournment: 9:00 pm