Monday, November 22, 2022 – Meeting Minutes
Algonquin West ATV Club
Location: Novar, Ontario
Present: Susan Fetterley, Terry English, Brent Stickland, Kevin Ryan, Ciara Ryan, Jerry Scott, Bob Harrison, Bill Bird, Brent Stapleton, Brandon Stapleton, Richard Zdriluk, and Guest Kyle Ryan
1. Welcome: 7:00 PM
2. Approval of Agenda: Motion to accept; Kevin R, Seconded by; Brent Stapleton.
3. Approval of Previous Minutes: N/A Minutes were not available for review due to technical difficulties with secretary’s computer.
4. Business Arising from Previous Minutes: N/A
5. Membership Report: 146 individual, 59 family with a total of 315 ATVs 6. Financials:
- Will be available later in week or for next meeting.
- Evelon collecting membership money but not going into account. Will get Kevin N. to shut down the online membership purchasing (possibly have $1000 of money we have not received). Motion to accept; Susan, Seconded by; Bob H.
7. Trails:
• Trail 37: Terry stated potential to be fixed as it hasn’t been worked on in awhile.
8. Website:
- Kevin N. Will need to close online membership purchasing (see above in “Financials”)
- Website will require a “closed for construction” and “look for membership sales in the new year” notices.
- Add December 1st add trails will be close.
- Updates to come on the new website in near future , currently being worked on.
*All above “Website” content: Motion to accept; Susan, Seconded by; Bob H.*
9. Other Business:
- Brent Stapleton to call Outdoor Adventures ATV regarding their membership status.
- Donations to be made on behalf of the AWATV club of $2,500 to the Kearney Legion and $2,500 to the toy/food drive Motion to accept; Susan, Seconded by; Brent Stapleton.
- Ciara to research two additional Almaguin based charities to donate $2,500 to.
- The annual Spring AWATV Rally will be held on Saturday, April 30th.
- Kevin R. Would like a board member to check in on the Kearney legion to see how everything is going and see if potential to receive power to our storage bins.
- Will postpone the AGM meeting until Spring, specifically May 1st at noon (weather depending) at Edgewater in Kearney.
10. Adjournment: 8:03 PM: Motion to accept; Ciara, Seconded by; Brent Stapleton.