Algonquin West ATV Club
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Monday, Sept 13, 2021 @7:00pm 31 Hawthorne Lane, Novar
Present: Kevin R., Bob Harrison, Gerry, Brent Stickland, Brandon, Brent Stapleton, Susan, Terry, Bill, Brent R
Welcome: 7:07pm
Approval of Previous Minutes: Motion to accept; Bill Bird, Bob Harrison
Business arising from previous Minutes: Bob Harrison is going to attend a council meeting about ATV’s and post speed limits and that the club is working to educate our members about road speed limits.. Website update moved to Website.
Membership Report: 228 members, 142 individuals, 28 family
Financials: Motion to accepted financials as presented., Gerry, Brent Stickland
Trails: Member reported a tree base smoldering. This was reported to the MNR and they investigated.
-Trail 32 off Coffey Lake Trail through to the ramps on 33 need work. Some excavation and brushing. Brent Stapleton will reach out to Ron Earl to arrange.
Trail 42 (from 36 to the 42 loop), 31 and 29 need excavation/grading. Kevin Ryan to contact Kris Boothby to arrange. I was discussed that we would ask Kris to provide 2 weeks to get the work completed.
Trail 18, Bear Creek Hill and Willy Lake Hill needs excavation work. Bob Harrison will confirm with Mark R to have this completed.
Map should show roads as dotted lines so that our members will know where to ride legally given their situation. (kids, 2 up etc.)
Map needs a correction to the trail head from South River. The trail follows Paisley Road, not the current mapped route.
Website: We had a discussion on speaker phone with a new web designer. Questions were asked. He will provide us a report on what he feels the new website should do and look like. Susan will work with him to ensure that the point of sale programing and email data is the way we need it.
Adjournment: Motion to adjourn. 8:10pm Gerry, Kevin