Monday, May 9th 2022 – Meeting Minutes

Algonquin West ATV Club

Location: Novar Community Centre.
Present: Susan Fetterley, Fraser Bull, Terry English, Brent Stickland, Kevin Ryan, Ciara Ryan, Bill Bird, and Richard Zdriluk.

1. Welcome: 7:22 PM.
2. Approval of Agenda: Motion to accept; Fraser, Seconded by; Bill.
3. Approval of Previous Minutes: Motion to accept; Terry, Seconded by; Richard.
4. Business Arising from Previous Minutes: Postponed until the next meeting.
5. Membership Report: 172 individual, 70 family with a total of 378.
6. Financials: Not currently available.
7. Spring Rally Review:

  • Overall this year’s Spring Rally went well, with positive feedback.
  • The provided meal was the only concern as there were comments from the public that there wasn’t enough food (this year we paid: $20 a plate $15 for kids). To resolve this issue it is recommended that next year we will create make a menu that the board suggests to Edgewater with food options and costs. We will also arrange to have a test meal with board of directors.
  • This year we had a limited number of attendees compared to previous years, and it went well with not a huge impact on the trails. Next year the board will re-discuss attendee numbers as unpredictable Spring weather can be a factor.

8. Trails:

  • Fraser went out to review the following trails: 16,18,20, and 26. The bigger bridge on 18 has some damage likely from the snowmobile trail groomers that will need to be fixed. The bridge on 20 will also need to be fixed it has some broken boards on the outside (roughly 3) and maybe a couple extra boards for the sides.
  • Trails that still need to be reviewed are as follows; 30 (must take signs), 31, 32 (must take signs), 29, 44, 27, and 24. Please volunteer if available to support with trail maintenance so we can divide and conquer (please email everyone to let us know what trails you will be doing). If you are going out on any trails please grab signs to put out where needed.
  • It is recommend that board members take photos if they see something on trails that need to be fixed, then the board can judge what materials will needed in order to fix the damage/issues.
  • Originally a work day was going to be on Saturday, May 14th, but it needs to be postponed due to needing more volunteers/support from the board.

9. Club Rides:

Jerry sent suggested dates for this year’s club rides, we need board members to volunteer to attend and support, see below:

  • Saturday, May 21 – This date has been cancelled due to long weekend.
  • Wednesday, June 8 – Still needs a volunteer
  • Saturday, June 25 – Bill will attend
  • Saturday, July 16 – Still needs a volunteer
  • Wednesday, July 27 – Possibly Kevin but still open for a volunteer
  • Wednesday, August 10 – Richard will attend
  • Saturday, August 27 – Kevin will attend

10. Website:

  • For website management and updating it was suggested we hire Perry (the new website’s creator) to take over until a new plan is made. So far it has been quick and easy to feed him information to be updated. The cost for this annual support would be $1017 including taxes. Motion to accept; Kevin, Seconded by; Fraser, all in favour.
  • Invoice for website creation has not yet been paid.
  • There was a website issue with some devices not being able to register for the rally,along with both first name and last name fields needing to be mandatory forregistration. Both of these issues will need to be resolved for future rallies.
  • This year we didn’t have the opportunity to try out the scanning features ofregistration so it will be tested during our event this Fall.
  • Previously with rally registration through Event Bright there was a cancellation policyof 72 hours, we will need to look into this for the next events.

11. Facebook:

  • Terry has taken over managing the AWATV Facebook page and has been actively posting, which has resulted in positive feedback so far. Ciara and Terry will have a meeting in roughly two weeks for further Facebook page support/training.

12. AGM: Saturday, June 11th @11:00 am:

  • This year’s AGM will be held at the Novar Community Centre. The monthly board meeting that would happen on the following Monday will be cancelled and instead will take place after the AGM.

13. Other Business:

  • August 7th, the Emsdale Agriculture Society needs picnic tables for their Fall Fair, Susan will email Tim from Edgewater to arrange (they will need to be pressure washed/cleaned/painted or will need to know the costs to get covers for them).
  • The club’s trailer lights need to be fixed. It will be brought to KRA Auto when there is availability, all in favour.
  • New skid-pans are needed for the club’s side-by-side. Motion to accept; Richard, Seconded by; Brent.
  • Bob Hyde has resigned from the board of directors due to personal reasons. 14. Adjournment: 8:50 PM: Motion to accept; Brent, Seconded by; Bill.