Algonquin West ATV Club
Meeting Minutes
Monday, March 13th, 2023 @ 7:00pm Novar Community Centre
Attendance: KevinRyan,BobHarrison,KyleRyan,BillBird,AmandaTraves,SusanFetterley, Brent Stapleton, Fraser Bull Regrets: Donna Westrop, Brent Stickland, Richard Zdriluk, Brent Rudachuk
- Welcome: 7:03pm
- Approval of Agenda: 1st by Bob Harrison, 2nd by Fraser Bull
- Approval of Previous Minutes: 1st by Bob Harrison, 2nd by Bill Bird
- Business arising from Previous Minutes: Picnic Tables have been invoiced and paid. Price of food for Spring Rally has not been received yet.
- Financials:
- Almaguin Highlands Advertising – Motioned by Susan Fetterley to Advertise in the Almaguin Highland 2023 Magazine for $255 plus taxes for a business size ad – 1st by Fraser Bull, 2nd by Brent Stapleton- All in Favor
- AD&D Insurance – Motion by Susan to renew for April 15th, 2023 to April 15th, 2024 for a total of $341. 1st by Fraser Bull, 2nd by Bill Bird- All in favor
- Motion to accept Financials by Brent Stapleton – 1st by Amanda Traves, 2nd by Fraser Bull
- Membership:
- Motioned by Susan Fetterley to purchase a laptop to be used for Membership by Amanda Traves. 1st by Fraser, 2nd by Kyle Ryan – All in Favor.
- Motioned by Susan Fetterley to purchase AWATV Club Pass Booklets at $389 plus taxes and shipping for 40 booklets of 25- 1st by Amanda Traves and 2nd by Fraser Bull- All in favor.
- Review from Family of Clubs Meeting:
• Changes to Not for Profit Act – We need to have our bylaws undated before October 2024.
- Directors need to be reported and updated after every AGM and anytime there is a change in directors
- Brent to Reach out to Park to Park – re Agreements
- Polaris Ride Command maps need to updated – Fraser Bull to be set up with access
- It was recommended to promote What 3 Words on website for members to use on trails
- It was discussed about meeting twice a year with the Next Meeting for the Family ofClubs to be planned for the End of November or Beginning of December
8. Spring Rally:
- Outhouses – One for Kents Mill Rd and Wigeon Lake plus one wash station One for fieldTwo for Edgewater Park Lodge
- Registration capped at 350 Riders- Pricing $75 for Members/$85 for non-members
- Poker Hands 1st $500, 2nd $300, 3rd $100
- Liability Waiver to be mailed out to participants and filled out and collect day of Rally
- Work Dates- Saturday, April 22nd and Sunday, April 23rd Trail Work DaysThursday, April 27th to put Arrows up and Friday, April 28th to get Canteen Ready
- Everyone Needs to Collect Prizes!!!9. Other Business:
- Legion Appreciation Roast Beef Dinner Wednesday, April 19th @ 6pm, Social Hour @5pm. Kevin Ryan and Bob Harrison to attend. Susan to RSVP.
- Next Meeting scheduled for Monday, April 17th at 7pm at the Novar Community Centre
10. Adjournment: Motion to Adjourn at 8:39pm by Kevin Ryan, 1st by Bob Harrison, 2nd by Susan Fetterley