Algonquin West ATV Club

Meeting Minutes

Monday, June 10th, 2024 @ 7:00pm

Emsdale Community Centre

Attendance: Kevin Ryan, Kyle Ryan, Bob Harrison, Amanda Traves, Garry Fraser, Brent Stapleton, Richard Zdriluk, Bill Bird, Terry English, Fraser Bull, Susan Fetterley

Guests: Brenda Cameron

1. Welcome: Kevin opened meeting at 7:04pm

2. Approval of Agenda: Motion to approve agenda by Bob Harrison and seconded by Brent Stapleton. All in favor

3. Approval of Previous Minutes: Minutes approved by Bob Harrison and seconded by Fraser Bull. All in favor

4. Business arising from Previous Minutes:

  • Appoint of Directors Positions: Brent Stapleton nominated Kevin Ryan as president
    • Seconded by Garry Fraser and Fraser Bull. All in favor.
  • Kevin Ryan nominated Bob Harrison as Vice President –
    • Seconded by Brent Stapleton, and Garry Fraser. All in Favor
  • Brent Stapleton discussed the inconvenience of renting a BBQ and suggest we purchase a new one if the old is unrepairable. Richard to get a price and we will discusss next meeting.
  • Brenda Cameron offered to sell tickets at the Legion Car Show on Saturday, July 20th

5. Financials: Spring Poker Run financials have been updated

  • Map Income is $2,730 for 2024
  • Brent Stapleton motioned to pay Terry English the sum of $1,624.28 for various bills. Seconded by Fraser Bull. All in Favor.
  • Brent Stapleton Motioned to pay Oasis for D&O Insurance $972.00. Seconded by Garry Fraser and Terry English. All in Favor.
  • Garry Fraser motioned to approve Financials. Seconded by Richard Zdilruk. All in Favor.

6. Membership: 191 Individual and 59 Family

7. Trails: Signs are missing on Trail 26 and Rain Lake Rd. Signs need to be replaced

  • During Club Ride trail 16 was cleared
  • Trail 29, no one has been on to check
  • Bear Creek Bridge needs a couple boards replaced
  • Trail 33 to 34 needs to be brushed
  • Chris Boothby will go out and have a look at trail
  • Trail 32 from North Trails to South needs to be inspected

8. GPS Mounts/charging system: Garry has ordered mounts for the GPSs but they have not arrived.

  • Kevin Ryan motioned to Purchase two Power Banks for charging the GPS units. Garry Fraser will purchase. Seconded by Fraser Bull. All in favor.

9. Club Rides:

  • Wednesday, June 12th – Bill Bird and Garry Fraser
  • Saturday, June 15th – Kevin Ryan and Kyle Ryan
  • Wednesday, July 10th – Bob Harrison and Richard Zdriluk

10. One Pass Meeting:

Kevin and Amanda attended a meeting with the Group of Five (KATVA, HATVA, LOB, Niagara, AWATV). There has been some discussion on Social Media by OFATV regarding the One Pass, as well as our government. The Government, MNR and MTO have been notified that OFATV is not speaking for ALL of Ontario as indicated. Carolyn from KATVA has received the authorization from the Group of Five to prepare a statement regarding our point of view and too make people aware that we are here and OFATV is not the voice for all of Ontario. Carolyn will send the letter out for the Group of Five to approve before sending out. It was discussed to put the price upto $150 for 2025 for the Individual Membership.

11. Bylaws: Carolyn to send a copy of their ByLaws for us to review. Kevin will send out for review.

12. Other Business: Rickward’s has been asked to price out new Ranger with Trade In. Kevin will bring pricing to next meeting to discuss.

Next Meeting Monday, July 8th @ 7pm.

13.Adjournment: Brent Stapleton motioned to adjourn at 8:33pm, seconded by Susan Fetterley