Algonquin West ATV Club
Meeting Minutes
Monday, May 13th, 2024 @ 7:00pm
Emsdale Community Centre
Attendance: Kevin Ryan, Bob Harrison, Fraser Bull, Garry Fraser, Bill Bird, Richard Zdriluk, Terry English, Amanda Traves, Susan Fetterley, Kyle Ryan Guests: Chad MacMillan, Brenda Cameron, April Fuller. Regrets: Brent Stapleton
1. Welcome: Kevin Ryan opened the meeting at 7:10pm
2. Approval of Agenda: Motion to Approve the Agenda by Bob Harrison and Seconded by Bill Bird. All in favor.
3. Approval of AGM and Previous Minutes: Motion to approve attached minutes by Bob Harrison and seconded by Garry Fraser. All in Favor.
Susan Fetterley motioned to remove Donna Westrop, Brent Rudachyk and Brent Stickland from the board of directors due to lack of attendance. 2nd by Amanda Traves. All in Favor.
4. Appoint Directors positions:
- Kevin Ryan nominated Susan Fetterley as Secretary/Treasurer. Seconded by Amanda Traves. All in Favor. Bill Bird, Garry Fraser and Terry English to continue as Directors.
- Susan asked that all directors respond too emails
- Invoice payment request will go out to Brent Stapleton, Bob Harrison, Kevin Ryan and Fraser. Need three to authorize for payments.
5. Business arising from Previous Minutes:
- Originally Kevin agreed to do the June 22nd club ride. However, he has to be at racetrack that day. June 22nd ride will be changed to Saturday, June 15th as no one is available for June 22nd. Amanda will have Perry Change on website. Cancel June 22nd Club ride and Post June 15th ride.
- Kevin would like Perry to put the ride sign up right on front page at the top.- Fraser and Gary are doing Saturday, May 25th ride.
- Chad proposed to post rides on Facebook. They are behind on these posts. Terry to post all upcoming rides in Facebook as separate events.
- July 10 – Bob and Richard to lead.
- The Saturday, July 20th ride needs to be moved to Saturday, July 13th as the Kearney Legion Car Show is on Saturday, July 20th and there will be no parking available. Need to have Perry change it on the website. July 20th ride cancelled and post July 13th ride, Gary, Bill and Fraser to help lead the ride.
- Kevin and Amanda leading the Aug 14th Ride.
- Aug 24th – Gary, Bob, Richard to do the Club Ride.
6. Financials:
- Susan waiting on remaining bills for spring poker ride. Financials to be finalized at a later date.
- Susan Fetterley motioned to pay $500 to Wayne Fetterley for the use of the field for parking at the Spring Poker Run. Seconded by Bob Harrison. All in Favor
- Susan has some money to send to Haliburton due to an issue with websites.
7. Membership: 183 individulals, 56 families, 147 ATV/SXS in family
8. Spring Poker Run Review:
- Polaris ATV Raffle tickets – 96, $650 sold at Poker run.
- 50/50 and raffle ticket sales were down quite a bit. Most likely due to weather
- Went well, no issues.
- No issues on trails.
- Canteen was a bit far, 4hrs. should be closer to half way.
- Some discussion on the dinner
9. Trails:
- Nobody has been on south trails. Gary and Fraser to check them out for the next ride. 16 is posted as Detour.
- Fraser says we could use some detour signs. Different markers.
10. Radios/GPS:
a. Bob Harrison motioned to buy Two Garmin In-Reach Mini 2, Orange in Color – Seconded by Fraser Bull, and Bill Bird. All in Favor – Chad to work with Susan to help buy them.
11. Club Ride Sat, May 25th: Garry Fraser and Fraser Bull to lead the ride and tail.Ride to leave the Kearney Legion at 9am
12. Other Business:
- Kevin had been talking to Carolyn from KATVA and she is planning to have a meeting with the five clubs to discuss the purposed one pass system.
- Our BBQ is getting old, need to decide whether we will fix the old one, purchase new or rent. Parts are not available for our old BBQ and renting is cheaper than buying. $250 to rent.
- Richard Zdriluk to look into a cheaper BBQ option.
- More tie down sights in trailer needed.
- Tickets to ATV raffle,
- a. Need volunteers to sit and sell tickets at Car show July 20th
- b. Regatta Aug 3-4st – need volunteers
- c. Nobody committed
- Brenda reached out to Park to Park
- a. Lots of politics there/Ministry Issues
- b. They are looking to apply for grants for funds.
- c. East of Sprucedale nobody is working on maintenance. No funds
13. Adjournment: Kevin motion to adjourn meeting. 8:27pm. Everyone in favor.