Algonquin West ATV Club
Meeting Minutes
Monday, September 9th, 2024 @ 7:00pm
Emsdale Community Centre
Attendance: Bob Harrison, Kevin Ryan, Amanda Traves, Kyle Ryan, Susan Fetterley, Brent
Stapleton, Terry English, Garry Fraser, Fraser Bull, Bill Bird, Richard Zdriluk
Guests: April Fuller, Sandrine Levrier, Frank Heron
1. Welcome: Meeting opened at 7:06pm by Kevin
2. Approval of Agenda: Agenda approved by Bob Harrison and seconded by Richard Zdriluk. All in Favor.
3. Approval Previous Minutes: Minutes approved by Bob Harrison and Seconded by Fraser Bull. All in Favor.
4. Business arising from Previous Minutes: Brent Received priced from Rickwards for Ranger
Nothing Received from Carolyn on Bylaws as of Yet – Kevin is going to call Carolyn and Mike
5. Financials: June Financial attached – Raffle sales are at $3,770
6. Membership: Not Available
7. Trails: Bridge on Trail 20 Needs some repairs – Brent to order material and arrange suplies required to repair bridge during trail clean up on Saturday, September 21st. Meet at Legion at 9am.
- Signs are missing on a few trails. Fraser to take inventory of signs.
- Closed Signs or Detour Signs are required for the Bridge on Trail 16 along Rain Lake Road
- Loggers have been on trails 32 and 33. Signs are required
- Recommendation was made to have maps put on our trails at a few locations.
- Frank Heron: Frank Heron attended the meeting with concerns of Young drivers and ATVs with no insurance on the trails.
8. Fall Rally: Saturday, Sept 21st – Trail Clean up and route determination – Bridge Repair. Meet at the Legion at 9am – Terry, Richard, Garry, Bill, Bob, Kevin, Kyle and Brent2
Thursday, Sept 26th
- Placement of Arrows for the Rally Route – Brent, Fraser, Garry, April and Sandrine
- Richard to put outhouse on Trail 30 at the canteen site.
Friday, Sept 27th
- Brent and Gary will pick up lunch canteen food and organize the trailer
Friday Night Ride
- Ride leaves the Legion at 7pm Kevin and Brent will lead the ride
- Bob and Kim Harrison to set up fire and do hot chocolate
- All Directors encouraged to join
Saturday, Sept 28th
- 6:30am – All directors and volunteers on deck – meet at the Legion for set up
- Kyle to take the canteen trailer to canteen
- Dorothy has 5 volunteers for the canteen
- Garry to set up tent outside the Legion Door to sell tickets for the ATV – Make arrangements with Mike to have ATV delivered for 7am
- 7:30am Registration Opens – Directors to help with clothing and membership, raffles and membership table
- Fraser to take lots of pictures
- Richard and Bob to sweep and remove ALL arrows
- Terry to take the club bike and assist and direct
- All hands on deck to clean up and unload the canteen trailer and put stuff into storage
- Brent got pricing on a Commercial Rental BBQ to replace old – 21” x 30” – $3,300 and a 21” x 48” – $4,000 plus tax and freight.
Susan Fetterley motioned to purchase the 21” x 48” BBQ, Seconded by Bob Harrison. All in Favor.
9. Ranger: Pricing was received from Mike at Rickward’s for the 2024 Polaris Ranger 1000XP Premium. Further discussion will follow the Fall Rally. April suggested a BBQ in the spring to raise money for the Ranger and awareness of the Club.
10. Other Business: April has volunteered to help with the Facebook page.
11. Adjournment: Motion to Adjourn at 8:07pm by Kevin Ryan. Seconded by Susan Fetterley. All in Favor