Algonquin West ATV Club
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Monday, June 14th, 2021 @ 7:00pm 31 Hawthorne Lane, Novar
Present: Kevin R., Bob Harrison, Gerry, Brent Stickland, Brandon, Brent Stapleton, Richard, Susan, Terry, Kevin N.
Welcome 7:09 PM
Approval of Previous Minutes: Motion to accept; Bob Harrison and seconded by Susan.
Business Arising from Previous Minutes: July 19 – Sept Explorers Edge starting their staycation promotion.
Membership Report: 312 members, 140 individuals, 54 Family
Financials: As presented. Motion to accept, Brent Stickland, seconded by Richard.
Trails: Bob Harrison reported that trail 42 needs some trail grading, and bridge looked at. September Mark Rynolds will be attending to the Bear Creek Hill and Willie Lake Hill. Bob has booked Mark for 1 week in September. Also reported was trail 18 by Willie lake that the old logs and deck material has busted up and there are spikes and nails, needs to be cleaned up.
Website: It was discussed about creating a brand new website. It was agreed we would review and receive a proposal from a website provider. Kevin R. will have a report/proposal for the next meeting.
Other Business: Road Speed in Kearney. We received a letter from the Town of Kearney that the Sand Lake Cottager Association is concerned
about the speed of ATVs. They have requested ATVs be banned from certain roads. Discussed sending a letter to the Town of Kearney acknowledging their continued support of the ATV club. Suggesting that they install road speed signs for atvs. We need to find ATV Safety Cards to email to members, and to hand out at Edgewater, Fetterlys.
Spring Rally 2022: It was discussed and agreed that the spring rally will be held and Edgewater on April 30, 2022. (Edgewater has been notified)
Almaguin Snowmobile Club: They have requested financial help for trail 36 and Boat Ramp Road Trail. Still waiting for further information.
OFATV: Kevin N provided an excellent report on OFATV showing the pros and cons of joining with OFATV. It was a good conversation. No resolution was determined. However, the discussion was that we would stay as we are for now and that more due diligence is required.
Meeting Adjourned: 8:40PM/ Moved by Brent Stickalnd and seconded by Brandon.