Algonquin West ATV Club

Meeting Minutes
Monday, March 11th, 2023 @ 7:00pm
Emsdale Community Centre

Attendance: Kevin Ryan, Kyle Ryan, Bill Bird, Bob Harrison, Amanda Traves, Garry Fraser, Brent Stapleton, Susan Fetterley Guests: Terry English, Mike Bukowski

Regrets: Donna Westrop, Brent Stickland, Brent Rudachuk, Richard Zdriluk, Fraser Bull

1. Welcome: Kevin opened meeting at 7:04pm

2. Approval of Agenda: Motion to approve agenda by Brent Stapleton and seconded by Garry Fraser. All in favor

3. Approval of Previous Minutes: Minutes approved by Bob Harrison and seconded by Garry Fraser. All in favor

4.Business arising from Previous Minutes:

  • Selling the brush head was discussed with GF Preston. The price originally paid was $19,266 including taxes. Brent to ask around for interest in purchasing.
  • Advertisements for map are being collected. A few more required.
  • Pricing attached for the Spring Poker Ride dinner. $23.50 and $11.75 for Volunteers.
  • Picnic tables have been received.
  • We will have a raffle as always. The Legion is welcome to attend to sell tickets for the Legion Raffle.
  • Brent Rudachyk can get the heaters as needed for the tent.
  • Tent is booked. Rental is $1250. Volunteers have been arranged for the canteen.
  • Kevin Contacted Carolyn. They will have there Bylaws ready in approx. a months time and she will send for us to review.
  • Bob attended the Kearney Seniors Active Living Fair to hand out maps on Friday, March 8th. Not much interest.
  • Garry Fraser has picked some ride date: Sat, May 25th
    • Wed, June 12th
    • Sat, June 22nd
    • Wed, July 10th
    • Sat, July 20th
    • Wed, Aug 14th
    • Sat, Aug 24th

Directors please review dates!

5. Membership: 151 Individuals and 53 Families

6. Map: Josianne is waiting for deposit. Maps maybe ready for the Spring Poker Run or shortly after.

7. Spring Poker Run: Pricing for the Spring Poker Run registration $85 for Members and $95 for non-members. Registration cut off at 350 people. Registration to open on website March 18th. Email should be sent out to members prior to registration opening. Directors to collect Raffle Prizes. Susan to get quote for outhouses. Arrows have been ordered to mark trails.

8. AGM: Sunday, April 21st @ 10am at the Emsdale Community Center in Meeting Room 2. All Members need to be notified. Susan to verify Room is available.

9. Bylaws: Discussed with Business Arising from Previous Minutes.

10. Other Business: Brent made Motion to pay deposit to Josianne for the amount of $678 and the Insurance for the Ranger in the amount of $1697. Seconded by Bob Harrison. Everyone in favor. Next Meeting Monday, April 8th @ 7pm.

11. Adjournment: Kevin Ryan motioned to adjourn at 7:54pm, seconded by Amanda Traves