Algonquin West ATV Club
April 12, 2022 Meeting Minutes
Novar Community Centre
Present: Bob H, Fraser, Bill, Gerry, Brent Stickland, Donna, Susan, Brent Stapleton, Kevin, Terry, Richard, Guest Bev Vogel
Welcome: Meeting called to order by Kevin at 7:00pm
Approval of Agenda: Motion by Gerry, seconded by Fraser
Approval of Pervious Minutes: Motion by Bill, seconded by Bob
Business arising from Previous Minutes: Bob to check with Legion about running power to our storage bins. Brent Stapleton to check on Adventure Atv in South River.
Membership Report: Noted that membership is strong and on the rise.
Financials: Motion to approve the financials as presented By Bob and second by Fraser
Spring Rally: Details list of things to get done for the rally and assigned jobs. Kevin to check with Brent Rydcuck about a tent heater.
Trails: The Almaguin Snowmobile Club has asked us to support them in the creation of a new trail that runs from Kallio Road to out trail 29. This link will allow easier access for emergency services. Mike Rickward is speaking before council to have the unopened road allowance turned into a trail. Motion: That the ATV wil support the Almaguin snowmobile club in the creation of a new trail from Trail 29 to Kallio Road. ( subject to further details)
Club Rides: Gerry reported that there will be club rides held one Wednesday and one Saturday for the months of May, June, July, August. Gerry will need one other director to help on these rides. Gerry will confirm dates for the rides shortly.
Website: working well. Fraser has agreed to feed the information about the club activities to the webmaster.
Facebook: Terry has agreed to work on and maintain Facebook, but needs help.
AGM: Date has been set for the AGM for June 11, 2022 at 11am at the Novar Community Centre.
Other Business: Bob brought up that the trail head signs for Forestry Tower Road still need to be put up. Bob will bring the signs on April 23rd during our trail clean up day to install. 6 signs are required. Bob is also sending Donna a list of trail signs required for restocking.
Adjournment: Motion adjournment 8:45pm Motiom by Kevin second by Fraser