Algonquin West ATV Club
Meeting Minutes
Monday, July 17th, 2023 @ 7:00pm Novar Community Centre
Attendance: Kevin Ryan, Bob Harrison, Kyle Ryan, Brent Stapleton, Garry Fraser, Susan Fetterley,
Fraser Bull, Richard Zdriluk Guests – Terry English, Mike Bukowski
Regrets: Amanda Traves, Donna Westrop, Brent Stickland, Brent Rudachyk
- Welcome: 7:04pm
- Approval of Agenda: Motioned to Approve by Bob Harrison and 2nd by Brent Stapleton. All in favor
- Approval of Previous Minutes: Motioned to Approve by Bob Harrison, 2nd by Garry Fraser. All in favor
- Business arising from Previous Minutes:
*Bob Harrison has still not heard from Edgewater about picnic tables.
*Kevin Ryan has not heard from Brent Rudachyk regarding logging in our area as of yet. Brent Stapleton will contact Fisher Logging.
*No updates on the Kalio Rd trail
*Garry Fraser and Fraser Bull to take on Wednesday, August 16th ride and Saturday, August 26th. Thank You Garry and Fraser
*Fire Chief will let the ATV Club know of any call when they attend an accident on the ATV Trails. - Financials: Approved by Garry Fraser and 2nd by Fraser Bull. All in favor
- Membership: 51 family members and167 Individuals
- Trails:
*Almaguin Snowmobile Club is going to redeck the bridge on trail 35. They have been advised to contact us for help when they are going to do it.
*Mark Reynold is to fill in hole on trail 27
*The snowmobile club will be filling in trail 16 from Ahola’s Road to Bridge
*Mark to do Willie Lake hill on trail 18 and Bear Creek hill on trail 20. *Bypass at Mudhole at Willie Lake needs to be cleaned up
*There is a new beaver dam on trail 34 - Club Rides: Next club ride is on Saturday. Terry will post on Facebook. 1 ATV registered at this time.
- Website: Kevin is to ask Perry to put the Fall Rally on the calendar for Saturday, September 23rd at the Kearney Legion. Registration to open beginning of September.
- Other Business:
*HATVA had a Kelly Shires Run with 30 participants and raised $2000
*Susan is still getting Pricing on Clothing to have some ordered for the Fall Rally.
*New sign is needed for the Town Sign on Hwy 518 at the Town Border. Bob Harrison will get one made.
*HATVA would like to work together on updated Bylaws for the two clubs and share the cost
*Fall Rally will be Saturday, September 23rd at the Kearney Legion
– Susan to get pricing from DJ’s for food
– Registration to open September 1st – Email to be sent to Members Only to advice of opening date for registration and recommend registering early as registration is limited. - Adjournment: Meeting Adjourned @ 8:17pm – Next meeting will be Monday, August 28th and Monday, September 18th.